Exhibition: Good News

At the Willingham Parish Council meeting last night, it was agreed that we will be able to use the Public Hall for our exhibition. Thanks to Anita and Fred for writing letters and turning up, Reg (and WAG) for pushing this whenever he could, the Public Hall Users Committee for their support and finally the Parish Council for letting this popular event continue in what we like to think of as its home.

Exhibition 2014 Comments

Anita has transcribed the comments book so we can share our visitors’ views:

Very impressed by the unique photographs. Inspirational.

Lovely collection of work, obviously some very talented photographers. Good

Lovely prints. Seen 2 I want to buy, will send husband round. Makes me want
to get my camera out!

Very good photos.

Brilliant talent!

Wonderful range of images, great artistry.

Getting better each year! Labelling very informative. Hazel Denslow.

I really liked it. A very impressive exhibition, there are really range of
photographs. K Moma.

Very interesting and varied exhibition no.42. Jim & Carol Grant.

Superb, thank you.

Wonderfully wide range of excellent photos.

Wonderful. We all loved trying to work out the locations of some of the

Brilliant. some great shots.

Very surprised!! Really good.

Really enjoyed it, good pictures to look at.

Great pictures, thank you.

I really enjoyed the display and loved Colin Brown’s Pics!!

Great photos, really enjoyed the exhibition 2014.

Very interesting subjects & colour images.

Very nice exhibition, excellent photography.

Great shots.

Excellent photographs, what a talented group!!

The photographs get better every year. Jenny Purnell.

All the photographs are beautiful. Jo Bouar.

Love the piano keys. G Vass.

Brilliant, standard goes up each year, so much talent in our village.

Excellent photographs. P Marshall.

Very interesting exhibition, very enjoyable. T Bier.

Wonderful photographs. Judy & Robert Williams.

Great Exhibition and range of images.

Exhibition 2014

On behalf of the current gang of 4 I would like to thank everyone for their help and support in putting on this year’s exhibition. We have had quite a few people say they will come and try and out the club.

We have had 194 visitors and 5 dogs over the last 2 days.

I will be emailing Derek with the written comments people have made, so keep looking at our website.

Well done everyone,

And a huge thanks to you Anita and the Gang for organising and admin.

The standard of photos was so high the judging came down to very fine points of technique and composition. Congratulations to the winners and to everyone for displaying your work, it all made for s great exhibition.

Best regards
Mr Francis J Pullen

Well said, Francis, many thanks to all involved in making it such a great exhibition. Much evidence of lots of planning, practical help, creativity, display manufacture and donation of time and enthusiasm! Great stuff.


Dear Photo Club

Just to say thank you for holding the exhibition again. The Feast continues to be a significant event in the village life and the photo exhibition has become a very important part of it.

Sadly, I didn’t get to see it as I didn’t get a free minute from early Saturday until now on Sunday afternoon. However, I did get a preview via the internet and I see the standard continues to improve.

With very best wishes
Mike Tidball

Madam Chair

I too would like to add my thanks to the gang of four for their efforts in organising yet another successful exhibition. As the current chair of WAG I am fully aware of the effort needed to make such events successful. I would also like to record the efforts of fellow members in producing a display of incredible quality. I was yet again “gob smacked” by the quality of the photos which get better year after year as recorded by many of the visitors to the exhibition. Alas this means we have to produce even better photos over the next year. For me not a problem, not because I am starting from a low level but as I know I will be helped by over 30 other members who are not only willing to share their experience and expertise but to do this in such a friendly atmosphere, and of course our two professional members who are so willing to help us improve. But beware Francis and Stephen; civilisation grows and improves as the students become the teachers. I am looking forward to becoming a professional photographer in a few years.

To end on a slightly personal note the overall organiser of the Feast is WAG (Willingham Action Group) as well as the community Orchard/woodland at the Old Rec, QEII field children’s area, tree planting throughout village, electrical recycling, “Its a Knockout” and more. We too need volunteers to organise and deliver the improvements sought by the village. If you are interested please come to the WAG executive/member meeting at the Octagon 19:30 8th October.


Change of Date

Please be advised that due to the Baptist church needing our slot on the 16th of June we will be meeting one week later. The date of this meeting will now be the 23rd of June and not the 16th.

We are also going to be holding our 5th exhibition on the Willingham feast weekend which will be the 4th and 5th of October. You enter 2 photos, the 1st to be from one of our assignments from the past year and the 2nd to be any subject of your own choice. We will give you details of where to send your photos, and when the cut off date is, in the near future.

Finally, we are coming up to a change of the gang of 4. If you think you may be interested in helping to run your club for the next 6 months, then please talk to one of the current gang of 4 – who are Fred, Tony, Symon & Anita.

Kindest regards,


Exhibition Comments

Comments from this year’s exhibition.

Very informative thank you.

Beautiful display.

Some lovely photos.

Absolutely stunning works.

Really interesting – particularly liked the sunsets and the steam engine.

Inspiring thank you.

A very high standard of photography.

What a wonderful exhibition for a village club to have, well done.

Really interesting exhibition, we enjoyed it very much.

Beautifully displayed, with a wide variety.

Excellent, wide range.

Great mix of work and very interesting to hear about the club.

Great photos! I will definitely rejoin the club, you should organise exhibitions more often.

Very inspirational, has encouraged me to take more photos, thank you.

A lovely show of photos.

Fascinating and diverse range of photos, was a pleasure and an honour to see them.

An excellent display of photographs, very enjoyable viewing.

Such awesome talent in Willingham, amazing.

Beautiful work.

Didn’t think it could get any better than last year but shows how wrong I can be.

Very impressive.

Wow! What talent!

Exhibition News

Hopefully you have now all submitted your photographs for the exhibition.

Anita has contacted all of the camera clubs in Cambridge and invited them to our exhibition. In return, Bottisham & Burwell Photographic Club have invited us to their 40th Anniversay Exhibition in November:

Our club is celebrating its 40th Anniversary in November this year and to commemorate this “Ruby” occasion we are staging an Exhibition of our members’ work on Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 October 2013 at Mandeville Hall, Burwell, Cambridge from 10 am to 4 pm, with the official opening on Saturday 19 October at 10.30 am by Keith Heppell of Cambridge Newspapers Ltd.

I do hope that some of your members will be able to visit the Exhibition and we are able to share ideas, visits, workshops etc. in the future.

You can see their Poster here.

Photo Exhibition

The Exhibition seems to have been another great success, especially so as it was back in the library this year. Thanks to all who helped set it up, man it and take it down – and special thanks to Nita and Stephen for all their work printing and mounting the photographs and Colin for the titles.

I was reminded of a picture I took exactly three years ago today, when we were preparing for the first Exhibition. Stephen, Andrew, Jerry and I spent a long evening cutting the frames individually to size for each picture.

Sorry  you couldn’t see this exhibition too, Jerry.


Dear members,

Just to let you all know the subject for October is ‘Willingham Feast’, this can be any photos you take of the festivities at the feast weekend or during the week. See the programme on the Willingham Life website for details of what is going on.

The new gang of four will be meeting in the next couple of weeks to discuss the rest of the subjects for their 6 month reign.

Photographic Exhibition

Colin has kindly offered to produce the labelling to go with our photographs. Thank you Colin for this. Please could members email Colin direct with the following info:

  • Title of your photograph,
  • Your name,
  • Technical details (Camera + lens, shutter speed, aperture, film speed)

His email address is


Please copy me in too just in case Colin does not receive it and I can then pass it on to him.


This needs to be done ASAP so it is not a last minute thing.

Also a reminder to members that subscriptions are now due.

Kindest regards,