The current gang of four, Tony, Fred, Symon and Anita, will be staying on for another 6 months.
We had our group meeting to discus the agenda for the next 6 months, with both Francis and Stephen attending to give technical support on our ideas.
We hope that you agree with us that we have set some interesting and challenging subjects.
Exhibition News
The date for the Willingham Feast and our exhibition will be 4th & 5th of October 2014.
It’s a great way to show the talent of our club to the village. This also helps to draw in new members to the club.
We really do need your photos by the 18th of August. To do this, please bring your photos to a club meeting on a memory stick. The photos need to be labelled with your name so we can match them up with the labels that Colin will produce for us. Stephen will download your pictures straight to his laptop. Your photos need to be 12” x 16” 240 to 300 DPI.
We will also need your help to run the exhibition, so please look out for sign-up sheets. We will give you more information during club nights, about size etc.
Field trips and workshops
We are currently looking into ideas for different field trips that have been put forward by members of the club. These will be held either on a weekend or a non club evening. See below for details.
We are also looking into some social events: a club summer BBQ, and a Nov/Dec meal out.
We are currently putting an application in for a Community Grant. We will keep you updated on what we would like to use it for as well as our progress.
We are also introducing a suggestions box, this is for your use. We of the Gang of Four need other inspiration from time to time on what assignments, tutorials/workshops and field trips you might like to have in the club. This is your club – if there is something you think that you or others might benefit from, then please don’t be shy let us know!!!
Club Assignments
Please remember to only supply 3 photos for each month’s assignments. They need to be numbered 1,2 & 3, they need your name plus the title of the assignment.
We came up with the assignments, now it’s down to you to interpret them into your own ideas. They are listed in the events calendar.
Possible Field trips
I have contacted both Ely Cathedral and the Raptor Foundation.
Here are the cost for a group trip to both.
Ely Cathedral
Admission £8.00
Concession £6.50
Photo permit £2.00
Tower visit £6.50
So for admission/tower visit & to take photos it will cost £16.50
The Raptor Foundation
£15 per person, we need to make up a party of at least 10 people to get in for this price. You can take photos and they are happy for you to use them for exhibitions. No need for a permit of any kind.
For both of these visits we need to give them several dates we are able to attend. If you are interested in any of these please let one of the Gang of Four know.