We are holding a second open competition for the residents of Willingham, with a prize for the best entry. The theme this time is Colourful and the entry form for submitting photos is here.

The entries for the first competition can be seen here.
The photos for the theme Accessories are now up in this gallery.
I’ve made an album containing all of Francis’ assignment photos and written a small tribute here.
Our Annual Exhibition is coming around again. So, it’s time to sort out your images, one photo from the photo assignments back to July 2021 and one of your choice.
The image details for the Exhibition are size 18×12, which is a 3×2 crop and at 300dpi resolution.
Each image should be titled with your name and add an ‘A’ for the Assignment version.
The aperture in the mount is sized 17.5×11.5, allowing the print to be taped to the mount without it falling through, so make sure there are no essential details in your image is outside this size.
Photos should be uploaded to:
Whilst we are all keeping apart and meetings are suspended, it seems the photographer in us all still wants to take and share assignments.
So I have set up a shared Google Drive for you to post your assignment images. I will add these to the usual gallery on the website as I receive them.
Please rename the files before you upload them with your name and the assignment title.
The link is distressingly long, but a single click will get you there:
Once there, you should be able to drag and drop your photo files. I’m not sure how well this will work from a mobile or tablet. Suck it and see.
Please bring along your 2 exhibition photos to the August Meeting.
One must be chosen from your assignment images for the last year. One must be any other image you have taken in the last year.
Images should be 16×12 inches at 300dpi. Note that this is 4:3 ratio, so a standard image will need to be cropped.
Photo details: title, camera, shutter speed, aperture, ISO and focal length should be emailed to Fred at lemansjag@hotmail.co.uk.
Stunning Photographs Created With a Torch Light Sabre.
There’s probably some knives, forks and spoons in there as well.
See the gallery of winning entries here.
I whipped out my wallet-size UK Photographer’s Rights crib sheet at the photo club and promised to share it:
You can download and print out the full sheet here.
This is best used as an aide memoire: apparently the police don’t respond well if info sheets are waved in their faces.
Something like:
“I’m an amateur photographer taking pictures for fun. Would you like to see them officer?”
is recommended if approached by an officer.
Here is something to aim for if you are planning on photographing fireworks this bommy night.
Magnificent Photographs of Japan’s Summer Firework Festivals