
We had our committee meeting about a month ago to sort out next year’s assignments. (These are now in the diary.) The current committee are happy to continue for the moment, however we are happy to invite anyone who wishes to join the team as a new member of the committee. The current gang are:

Fred, Phill, Symon, Tony, Neil and Anita.

The club finances are good, we currently have:

Bank       £1,168.28
Rent Due    -£240.00
Petty Cash    £36.65

The rent will be paid in the next few days, that’s the total rent for the year. We have decided to give a gift aid of £100 to WAG (Willingham Action Group) They have supported us for many years, with the exhibitions we run each year.

We hope to get other guest speakers in next year, there are a few possibilities we are looking into.

We are also looking at field trips for 2017 as well as workshops and social events.

Stephen reports that ‘Affinity Photo‘ has now been released for £40.

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