
The current Gang of Four – Tony, Fred, Symon and Anita – will be staying on for another 6 months. We had our group meeting to discuss the agenda for the next 6 months, with both Francis and Stephen attending to give technical support on our ideas. We hope that you agree with us that we have set some interesting and challenging subjects.

Exhibition News

We understand that as such there will be no Willingham feast this year, although there will be several different events going on around the village. As a result of this we still feel that we should have an exhibition to show the talent of our club to the village. This also helps to draw in new members to the club.

We hope to be able to link this with the water colour art group that is in the village, by making it a joint exhibition. We will keep you updated on this, watch this space.

Field Trips and Workshops

We are currently looking into different field trips that have been put forward by members of the club. These will be held either on a weekend or a non-club evening.

Register of Members

We would like to complete a new register of our members, there is a form here. Please complete it and return it to one of the Gang of Four. This information is only for club members, it will not be given out to third parties, but it will be very helpful in contacting members for field trips etc.

Agenda for the Next 6 Months

The events calendar on the website now has the next meeting dates and assignments. Please remember it’s your interpretation of the subjects, however abstract that might be.

On each club night there is no change to the current running format. During the first ½ we will show the photographs taken by members from the assignments set from the previous month. Then time for coffee and a catch up with each other.

During the second ½ we will run through the next assignment, as well as question and answer time and technical information (as time allows).

We have asked Francis and Stephen to carry on with their critiques of our photographs for each assignment.

Please be reminded if you have not already paid your subs they are now due, you may of course now pay by cheque making it out to “Willingham Photographic Club”.

This is your club and as much as possible we have taken into account your ideas for each month’s agenda. If you have any concerns or ideas for the club please do not hesitate to talk to us.

Colin Brown will be our liaison with Willingham News, giving them a regular monthly update on our subject and information for new members. Chris is also making himself available to help us out as well with his telephone number staying as a contact for the Willingham News.

The current Gang of Four will be stepping down in the October meeting, so we will be looking for other members to take that over. It does not take up much of your time – if any one is interested and you would like to know more please speak to one of us. This is your chance to put your ideas forward and see them develop – your first subject has already been chosen for you for the 18th of November.

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